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TTestAmerica Announces Availability of Production Method for PFAS Total Oxidizable Precursor(TOP) Assay

TestAmerica, the leader in environmental testing, now offers PFAS testing services from three laboratory locations as well as a production method for the Total Oxidizable Precursor(TOP) Assay.

Current LC/MS/MS analytical methodologies are designed to measure a relatively short list of PFAS compounds. Many other PFAS compounds and their perfluoroalkyl acids(PFAA) precursors are not quantified when using standard methodologies. Research has suggested that existing methods are only detecting an estimated 30-50% of the total PFAA mass present as PFAA precursors. As such, PFAS risk may be underestimated when utilizing traditional methods alone.

TestAmerica's laboratory in Sacramento, CA now offers a production laboratory method for the Total Oxidizable Precursor(TOP) Assay procedure as a solution to this complex problem. The TOP Assay procedure converts polyfluorinated PFAA precursors into PFAAs, including PFOA, using a hydroxyl radical-based chemical oxidation method. The TOP Assay allows for quantification of PFAS compounds that could be converted to PFAAs in the environment, thus providing a more accurate PFAS risk assessment when compared to a stand-alone PFAS analysis. For more information on the methodology and its applications, please contact customer service at the Sacramento laboratory at 916-373-5600.
